Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic
weight gain problem

Gastric Bypass surgery

Obesity is not just an unattractive appearance of the body, whether for a man or a woman, but a disease because it causes several troubles in life. So, obesity makes a person lose his passion for life due to obesity-related complications such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type II diabetes, weak immunity, shortness of breath, arthritis, and digestive diseases including GERD, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation.

In diabetic obese cases, if the patient fails to adhere to a healthy diet and reduce sweet over-consumption, he will need to undergo Gastric Bypass surgery with Dr. Mohamed Abo El Naga. He is characterized by many success stories in this surgery and the tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery, which includes Gastric Sleeve, Mini Gastric Sleeve, Bikini Sleeve, and Single-Port Gastric Sleeve, besides his constant encouragement to his patients that motivates them for a better life after bariatric surgeries. In this article, we will talk in detail about Gastric Bypass surgery and its relationship to type II diabetes.

The relationship between obesity and type II diabetes:
Before we talk about Gastric Bypass surgery, we need to know more about the relationship between obesity and type II diabetes. Many studies have shown a correlation between weight gain and insulin resistance, which increases the chance of developing type II diabetes by about 80-85%.

In normal conditions, food is converted into glucose to be carried by the blood to all body cells. Each cell needs insulin that allows the entrance of glucose to be burned and give energy. Every cell in the body contains receivers to insulin hormone, called insulin receptors. 

In the case of a diminished number or absence of insulin receptors, insulin will not function in this cell. Therefore, the cell will not benefit from glucose, and the blood glucose level will rise.

These receptors have fixed numbers on the fat cells. In an obese person,  the cell size increases, so the proportion of insulin receptors decreases due to the larger cell area. Therefore, obesity is the primary cause of type II diabetes.

Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass surgery and its role in getting rid of type II diabetes:
Gastric Bypass is considered one of the most common surgeries in Egypt and the Arab world. It is performed laparoscopically through general anesthesia, using 4 small surgical incisions, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm. The stomach size is reduced by making a stomach pocket, and the first part of the intestine is bypassed. This surgery helps reduce the absorption of sugars and some nutrients, in addition to getting rid of the hunger hormone "Ghrelin hormone", so the person does not feel hungry as before, instead he feels satiated from the least meal.

Candidates for Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery:
1- Sweets and sugars lovers.
2- Patients suffering from type II diabetes.
3- Patients suffering from an increase in BMI of more than 35-40.
4- The patient's age is between 18-65 years.
5- Patients suffering from other complications due to obesity, as we mentioned before.
6- Patients suffering from delayed childbearing due to obesity, whether for men or women.

10 advantages of laparoscopic Gastric Bypass surgery:
1- A one-day hospitalization.
2- Less recovery period.
3- Less bleeding.
4- Disappearance of the surgical wounds in a short time.
5- Getting rid of diabetic medications and insulin injections after a short period.
6- Losing about 50-70% of excess weight within a year.
7- Improvement of the psychological state and self-confidence degree.
8- Wearing smaller-sized clothes.
9- Improvement of cholesterol blood level and blood pressure.
10- Getting rid of joint pain and gastrointestinal diseases.

Types of laparoscopic Gastric Bypass surgeries:
1- Mini Gastric Bypass.
2- Classic Gastric Bypass.

Fear of pain after bariatric surgery:
There is no need to be afraid of pain after bariatric surgeries because a PCA device is installed, during the surgery, to relieve pain and it remains with the patient for two or three days after the surgery, where regular doses of analgesic are pumped every 10 minutes. In case of feeling pain more often, the patient can press the button on the device to pump a certain amount of analgesic.

Is there a normal life after Gastric Bypass surgery?
Of course, normal life begins after bariatric surgeries. Before the surgery, a person is depressed, as he can not enjoy his life or participate in different activities due to his weight gain and obesity complications, so he lives in a stage as if he is older than his real age. Many obese patients regret their late decision to resort to bariatric surgeries, and they want to make up for all the time they've lost because of their obesity. This proves that the person does not feel weak or inactive after bariatric surgeries as some people may think. The patient adheres to certain vitamins and nutritional supplements prescribed by the nutritionist, consequently, he feels energetic and active and can carry out his daily tasks perfectly.

Is there any possibility for weight gain again after Gastric Bypass surgery?
In some cases, if the person does not adhere to the healthy diet and vitamins prescribed by the nutritionist and does not commit to exercising, weight gain may occur. In this case, he must comply again with the instructions in order not to resort to Redo bariatric surgeries.

Possible complications of Gastric Bypass surgery:
Post Gastric Bypass complications are very rare. Complications may occur due to the lack of experience of the bariatric surgeon, the patient's lack of commitment, and among these complications are:
1- Nutritional deficiency due to non-compliance with vitamins and nutritional supplements.
2- Stomach expansion as a result of non-compliance with the instructions of the nutritionist.
3- Suffering from gallstones due to severe weight loss.
4- Dumping Syndrome due to the rapid movement of food from the stomach to the intestines, which causes symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.
5- Leakage rarely happens, as a leak test is done during the surgery, after stapling, by injecting Methylene Blue, a safe and harmless substance, to ensure that the digestive juices are not leaked and thus avoid any risks.